Taming of the Shrew

The American Drama Group performed Taming of the Shrew at Utstein Kloster on Sunday. According to BATS members in attendance, the performance was quite well-done. If you missed the performance, you can still see it as the British International School tomorrow at...

Autumn Activities

BATS is emerging from a restful summer and we have some exciting activities planned for our members over the next two months. If you’re not a member and are interested, contact us! Workshops! We’ve got two workshops coming up – August 7 and August...

Enjoying Summer!

We hope that you are enjoying your summer whether you’ve made it to an exotic location, or you’re enjoying the weather in Stavanger. The Board is working on some exciting activities for autumn. Keep an eye out for an email detailing the information. If...

The Finale

We had our two final shows with Saturday night being nearly sold out! The cast and crew enjoyed this production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and we’re confident that if you took in a show, you did too! Thanks to all of the audience...