Quick fire topics
by admin | May 3, 2021 |
- horrible pick-up lines
- places not to sun bathe
- reasons to get drunk
- why I hate cucumber
- name of new political parties
- excuses not to go put with the trash
- unfortunate pet names
- reasons to be late
- the real reason why penguins can’t fly
- things to do with a pencil
- the alternative ending to «the Lion King»
- the best way to open a jar of pickles
- electrical companys to stay clear of
- unfortunate superpowers
- places not to go swimming
- reasons to decline an invitation
- why I can’t stop singing
- reasons to kill your pet
- ways to get a boyfriend/girlfriend
- what not to antibac
- unfortunate combination of food
- what your parrot really thinks of you
- name of the musical about Drumpf
- this is not food
- Skating
- Oven chips
- Emmanuel Macron
- Chewing gum
- New shoes
- Fake tan
- Tractors
- Boiled potatoes
- Circus strongmen
- Boxes of chocolates
- Walking up a lot of steps
- Tight trousers
- Ski wax
- A prosthetic leg
- Melted hair extensions
- A defective sex toy
- A human eyeball in a can of baked beans
- A tube of hand cream which turned out to be glue