
Audience chooses a letter (ex. G) In teams, Team A Person 1 says a sentence that starts with the selected letter (ex. G). Team B Person1 continues with a sentence that starts with the next letter (ex. H). Host rings out players if the letter is not correct or too long...

Scenes from a hat

Audience writes suggestions for quick scenes Put them in a hat Pull scenes from the hat Players quickly try to do as many as possible Examples: Worst cookbook titles, unfortunate names for a pet, bad pickup lines

Channel Surfin’

Ask audience for suggestions of styles of TV/film/theatre Start a scene, randomly change to a different “channel” Examples of styles: a musical, a spaghetti western, film noir, action movie, comedy, Shakespeare

Doctor’s Waiting Room

Everyone in the waiting room is assigned a “condition” ex. Has lice or ex. Has restless feet Possibly a guessing game for the audience, can they guess the conditions and get the patients into the doctors office in time? Maybe the host is the nurse at reception as they...

Room for Improvment Wiki

Games Addition and SubtractionAlphabetChannel Surfin'CountdownCustomer ServiceDirector's CutDivided States of ImprovDoctor's Waiting RoomFool me twiceFreeze GameI thought of thatIf you know what I meanIt's FamilyLast WordLost in TranslationNew ChoiceNext door...