Sound Effects

A scenario is provided 1 player acts out a scene 2nd player makes all the sound effects for the scene Notes on play: I think the humor in this game is in making the sound maker sweat. That could be done with making many actions that requires sound effects and also by...

They Said

Quick fire game 2 players at a time (A and B) A makes a statement and B replies the phrase “they said” and then gives an action which A must enact. Then B makes a statement and so on and so on Maybe buzz out people if they take too long? Example:            A: I hate...

Lost in Translation

Scene in Norwegian, Chuck “translates” the scene. Notes on play: Needs to be workshopped more

Room for Improvment Wiki

Games Addition and SubtractionAlphabetChannel Surfin'CountdownCustomer ServiceDirector's CutDivided States of ImprovDoctor's Waiting RoomFool me twiceFreeze GameI thought of thatIf you know what I meanIt's FamilyLast WordLost in TranslationNew ChoiceNext door...