by admin | May 3, 2021
A scenario is provided 1 player acts out a scene 2nd player makes all the sound effects for the scene Notes on play: I think the humor in this game is in making the sound maker sweat. That could be done with making many actions that requires sound effects and also by...
by admin | May 3, 2021
Quick fire game 2 players at a time (A and B) A makes a statement and B replies the phrase “they said” and then gives an action which A must enact. Then B makes a statement and so on and so on Maybe buzz out people if they take too long? Example: A: I hate...
by admin | May 3, 2021
Scene in Norwegian, Chuck “translates” the scene. Notes on play: Needs to be workshopped more
by admin | May 3, 2021
Games Addition and SubtractionAlphabetChannel Surfin'CountdownCustomer ServiceDirector's CutDivided States of ImprovDoctor's Waiting RoomFool me twiceFreeze GameI thought of thatIf you know what I meanIt's FamilyLast WordLost in TranslationNew ChoiceNext door...