Rehearsals have begun for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. We’re rehearsing in a new location and we’re pretty excited about it. Thanks to Tasta Bydelshus for letting us use their space as part of promoting culture in Rogaland. From now until our performances at the end of May, we will rehearse two, sometimes three, times per week! It’s a huge time commitment and we’re really happy for the members who can do it.

Here’s an evening in the life of a BATS rehearsal.

It begins relaxing and waiting for everyone to arrive.


Then we warm up by getting physical, playing games, and getting into character.


Then the acting really begins. At the beginning, scripts are in hand, but as the rehearsing progresses and we near the performances, the scripts will disappear as everyone learns their lines.


If you’re interested in joining BATS or would like to learn more about us, please contact us.