Quick fire topics

horrible pick-up lines places not to sun bathe reasons to get drunk why I hate cucumber name of new political parties excuses not to go put with the trash unfortunate pet names reasons to be late the real reason why penguins can’t fly things to do with a pencil the...

Room for Improvment Wiki

Games Addition and SubtractionAlphabetChannel Surfin'CountdownCustomer ServiceDirector's CutDivided States of ImprovDoctor's Waiting RoomFool me twiceFreeze GameI thought of thatIf you know what I meanIt's FamilyLast WordLost in TranslationNew ChoiceNext door...

Quick response

This can be played as a quick fire game. All players stay in a line, the host reads a statement or a sentence, and each player in turn says the first thing that pops into their head. Notes on play: Seems to work best if everyone just get one scene for each...