New Choice

2 players are given a scenario 3rd player interjects “New choice” when desired The person who is “new choiced” must immediately restate their last statement with a new choice of topic, direction, etc., depending on the original...

If you know what I mean

A scene is played where all statements are followed by the phrase “if you know what I mean” making originally innocuous statements suddenly seedy and inappropriate for COMEDIC EFFECT. The scenario should be either inherently awkward and/or suggestive (e.g. buying...

Sound Effects

A scenario is provided 1 player acts out a scene 2nd player makes all the sound effects for the scene Notes on play: I think the humor in this game is in making the sound maker sweat. That could be done with making many actions that requires sound effects and also by...


A scenario is given A scene is played in 60 seconds. It is played again but in 30 seconds this time. Then in 15 seconds Then 5 seconds 1 second After workshopping in person, decided it’s better to play the scene in 30, 15, and 5...

Lost in Translation

Scene in Norwegian, Chuck “translates” the scene. Notes on play: Needs to be workshopped more