BATS Theatre and the Spectral Piano Company are collaborating on an original, short film project. We made a call for film scripts during the summer which requested that submissions would be approximately 5-10 minutes long and contain no more than 5 characters. In all there were eight script submissions which covered topics from death, separation, break ups, senility, aging, trust, murder, and regret, among others, and in comedic, dramatic, and horror styles. The committee found the process difficult as the subject matter was so wide and varied.
We’re happy to announce that BATS Theatre and Spectral Piano Company will produce Carl Cosgriff NorĂ¥s’s script For Pete’s Sake. Carl is from Stavanger but now lives in Australia where he went to SAE Institute and received a degree in Film Production.
The film is now in pre-production as there are some details that need to be sorted before we can make a casting call. However, if you are interested in participating in some capacity in the film making, please contact BATS.
Leonardo Duerto and Terry Thorpe will direct and Lisa Bingham will produce.
Watch your inbox and Facebook for developments!