We always try to remember to have fun during rehearsals and shows. This is, for lack of a better word, a hobby after all. However, there are times during the preparation of a production that we ask ourselves “Why are we here?”. The stress comes in waves before any play. And it always seems to have a climax just before moving into the theatre. We wonder if we’re ready. We doubt ourselves. We build ourselves up. We overreact to our own mistakes. But we try to remember to take it in stride. And then comes the performance week and we start asking ourselves “Why do I do this to myself?”. We all know we have to be rested, but we can’t sleep and when we do, there are crazy dreams and sleep does not last long. We neglect housely chores and rely on the support of our family and friends to get things done. But we somehow find the energy after a day at work to go through and make a great show. (I suspect some of that is the copious amounts of sugar backstage.)

Yet through all of the stress and sleepless nights, we somehow believe this is fun. So it’s no wonder that these are questions we are asked and try to answer in the documentary.

You’ll notice that most people talk about the first few seconds before going on the stage and how nerve-wracking but awfully exhilarating it is.

But there’s another reason mentioned. It’s the community that we build up within BATS Theatre and among the cast and crew of each show. My email and SMS inboxes are going mad! And it’s great! It’s great to be a part of this group of people who I wouldn’t have met otherwise. People really care about each other and the well-being of their fellow members.

Some support and love on Facebook

Some support and love on Facebook

Love and support on Facebook.

Love and support on Facebook.

Love and support on Facebook.

Love and support on Facebook.

This kind of outpouring of love and support and the friendships that are welded together between the chaos of a show are what make all that stress and sleepless nights worth it.